News archive

  • Gruve på Svalbard. Foto: Marta Anna Løvberg

    Within a few years, Svalbard went from being a society based on coal production to giving tourism, education and research the main roles. Can the island in the north inspire other communities to phase out carbon-intensive power production?

  • Seniorforsker Nhien Nguyen. Foto: Mario Magaña

    When Nhien Nguyen joined Nordland Research Institute in 2017, the institute did not have a single EU project. When she now cleans her desk, the number is ten.

  • Træna islands, Norway, Photo by: Terje Rakke (Nordic Life)

    Since the EmpowerUs project started in October 2022, Norwegian partners Nordland Research Institute (Norway Academic Lead) and Kunnskapsparken Helgeland (Norway Local Host) have been busy carrying out fieldwork and engaging with local stakeholders in Træna, the Norwegian Transition Coastal Lab (TCL).

  • Arctic Congress Bodø 2024 logo

    The Arctic Congress Bodø 2024 will gather over a thousand participants in Bodø, Norway, from 29 May to 3 June 2024. The local planning committee is working on programming the conference to the last detail.

  • Kai Bischof, professor of Marine Botany at the University of Bremen, Germany, and scientific coordinator of the project and NRI’s Research Professor Grete Hovelsrud at the FACE-IT annual meeting in Bodø.

    Close to 40 scientists from Norway, Denmark, Germany, France, Greenland and Canada met in Bodø for the third annual FACE-IT project meeting and general assembly.

  • Nysgjerrigperdagen og CityLoops. Foto: Leo Plaketti

    The EU project CityLoops challenged Bodø's sixth graders to build the cities of the future by reusing building materials.