News archive

  • Foto: Adam Sébire / Climate Visuals

    Forty-five scientists recently met in Bremen, Germany, to discuss the future of Arctic fjords and the communities around them. But the researchers' most important task is listening to local people of the North.

  • The tourism industry on Svalbard needs to thrive. At the same time, the nature must be conserved. It is a challenge. Photo: Marcela Cardenas /

    At Svalbard, lofty ambitions for environmental care and a growing tourism industry create challenges. Now actors from the industry join forces with researchers to find solutions for the future.

  • Grete Hovelsrud har gjennom mange års forskning - også i felt - opparbeidet seg svært solid kunnskap om arktiske forhold. Foto: Privat

    1400 stepped forward, 222 were chosen. Nordland Research Institute´s very own Grete Hovelsrud was one of them.