The North Norway European Days 2022

In early December 2022, The North Norway European Office organized European Days and Nordland Research Institute was represented.
The event lasted three days in three northern Norwegian cities: Bodø, Tromsø, and Vadsø.
Nordland Research Institute was active at the event in Bodø. It was an all-day event with workshops, seminars and debates to provide professional information about the EU and create commitment and interest in making better use of the opportunities of the EEA Agreement.
How the European crisis affects citizens in Northern Norway
NRI presented the current EU projects in a poster exhibition. In the evening, NRI's senior researcher Grete Hovelsrud discussed how one of the European crises, the climate crisis, concerns citizens in Northern Norway during a public debate.
Europe currently faces several crises: Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which has led to war and an energy crisis on the continent, and a climate crisis, where the EU's ambitions for a climate-neutral society by 2050 also will have ripple effects outside the EU. But how does the situation in Europe concerns us in Northern Norway?
Hovelsrud leads and is involved in several projects focusing on the cumulative effects of climate change on society and livelihoods in the Arctic. "The Arctic is changing rapidly primarily due to the follow-on effects of climate change. We cannot sufficiently curb GHG emissions, which is first and foremost felt in the Arctic. The European energy crisis caused by the Ukrainian war may lead to further exploration of oil and gas in the Arctic by Norway. We were on a path of acceptance for not opening new areas in the north. This is now changing due to the energy crisis in Europe." - Hovelsrud states. "The Arctic thaw can only be curbed by significant emission reductions, and Europe can take the lead. In FACE-IT, we are studying the future of Arctic coastal ecosystems, the transitions in fjord systems and adjacent coastal areas and how this will affect fisheries and tourism."
9 EU projects since 2018
NRI has been involved in EU projects since 2018 and is currently on its 9th project. Managing director Iselin Marstrander sees EU money as an excellent opportunity to vary the institute's income sources. Last year, over 10 per cent of NRI's income came from EU funding.
-"We prioritize the work with EU applications and aim to reach a share of the total turnover of 25 per cent from the EU within 3-5 years", says Marstrander.
She states that it is demanding to monitor the calls for proposals and be an applicant, especially if NRI takes on the role of coordinator. -"That is why we work through our partners. Many are very good at following what is being announced, and they have helped us in several cases", Marstrander continues.