News archive

  • Detalj fra rapportforside Tilleggsfôring i reindriften

    Lack of grazing resources has increased the necessity of supplementary feeding. This development is now wanted by herders, due to several unfortunate consequences, shows a new internordic research report.

  • Foto: iStock / molchanovdmitry

    The Norwegian outfield is a place where men hunt and fish. But it is also a place where women climb and kite. Now researchers are about to broaden the definition of the outfield.

  • Administrerende direktør Iselin Marstrander kan gå julen i møte med visshet om et godt nytt prosjektår skal komme. Foto: Thoralf Fagertun

    When the Research Council made their project funding public, Nordland Research Institute (NRI) was named among the recipients no less than five times. – Excellent news, says managing director Iselin Marstrander.