Reindriftas sårbarhet og Norges ansvar
Jan Åge Riseth
Svein Morten Eilertsen
Bernt Johansen
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Year published:
Parent book:
In Norway, the reindeer exists as both a wild and semi-domesticated species. The latter forms the basis of a livelihood and industry that is the clearest characteristic of Sámi culture, and it is protected by international law and the Norwegian Constitution. Nevertheless, reindeer herding is threatened by the loss of land used for infrastructure and recreation facilities development, as well as human activities in the outfields (utmark). Reindeer are physically vulnerable, and society’s institutions do not provide sufficient protection of land for grazing and herding of reindeer. Politicians and the general public are largely unaware of this. The chapter documents this by analyzing land-use challenges in two reindeer-herding districts. Besides loss of pastureland, the accumulated effect of former losses is a loss of flexibility, which makes adaptation to new challenges increasingly difficult. The authors suggest several practical measures (e.g. plans, maps, etc.), but also point to the need for general education in Sámi culture and affairs, for politicians as well as the public. This should be a part of necessary reconciliation processes in the context of historical assimilation policies. Furthermore, the Norwegian government should strengthen its efforts to realize the intentions of plan and building laws by strengthening local and regional government obligations. Keywords: encroachments, natural foundation for Sámi culture, political perspectives, reindeer, reindeer herding, vulnerability