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Senior Researcher
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Key qualifications

Salina Magdalena Spiering (Ph.D.) is a political geographer with an interdisciplinary training and research background in geography, political science and biology.  She has worked in inter- and transdisciplinary research for over 10 years. She has extensive knowledge and experience in the design of development and sustainability processes. Her research agenda includes biodiversity governance, agri-food system transformation, quality criteria for transformative science, feminist approaches and conflict transformation. As a trained mediator, she brings a process-oriented approach to projects to find strategic solutions. She emphasises capacity building and reflexive monitoring to continuously improve projects. Salina has worked as a researcher at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ in Leipzig, Germany, before joining Nordland Research Institute as a senior researcher in September 2023. She is currently leading work package 03 on participatory methods to support social transition and innovation within the EU transdisciplinary project EmpowerUS.


PhD in Political Geography, Department of Geography, University of Münster, Münster, Germany
Title of the dissertation: "Transformative science methods - the Human Scale Development approach revisited".
Diploma in Geography, Department of Geography, University of Leipzig, Germany (Minors: Political Science and Biology)