Bjørn Vidar
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Senior Researcher
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Key qualifications

Bjørn Vidar Vangelsten has 20 years of experience from research (Norwegian Geotechnical Institute and Nordland Research Institute) and administration of public research programs (EU-Commission and Research Council of Norway). He has participated in and managed many national and international research projects, including EU-projects and World Bank funded development projects. His key scientific experience includes natural risk management and societal vulnerability. Since 2014 his focus has shifted towards sustainability, green transformation, ecological economics and CSR/ethics. In Nordland Research Institute he is leading the thematic group on Green Transformation and are working on themes related to marine littering, climate smart and sustainable food systems and analysis of policies/strategies for green transformation.


2014-17 MBA Ecological economics, 2017, Nord university: Themes include ecological economics, eco-philosophy, environmental management, CSR, circulation economics, industrial ecology, ethical and social banking. Thesis: Towards a sustainable Norwegian food system: Effect of reduced meat consumption on Norwegian self sufficiency 2002-04 Development Studies - Poverty, Environment and Collective Action, Norwegian university of life sciences (NMBU): Completed course plan for MSc-program focusing on eco-technology, development history, conflict studies, macroeconomics, anthropology, strategy and management, renewable energy. 1993-97 Ph.D. geotechnical engineering, Institute for geotechnical engineering, Norwegian university of science and technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway. Dissertation: Numerical Simulation of Installation of Skirt Foundations 1988-92 M.Sc. civil engineering, 1992, Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH), Trondheim. Thesis: Evaluation of railway tunnel in soil near Eidsvoll Other: Coastal skipper exam, 2001