Forsker II, bistilling

Nhien Nguyen is a senior researcher at Nordland Research Institute. She is also the Associate Editor of The Learning Organization journal (Emerald). She was a member of the Norwegian Research School in Innovation (NORSI), a visiting fellow of Stanford University (SCANCOR program), MIT Sloan School of Management (MBA program), and cross-registrant with Harvard Business School (MBA program). Her varied work experience includes positions as a sales and marketing specialist at Samsung Electronics and as a teaching assistant and research fellow at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management. She has been involved in several research projects focusing on innovation strategies, both at the organizational level and the national/regional policy level.


Nhien has a PhD from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Innovation Management and Strategy) and an MBA from SKK-GSB in collaboration with MIT Sloan.

  • Seniorforsker Nhien Nguyen. Foto: Mario Magaña

    Da Nhien Nguyen begynte på Nordlandsforskning i 2017, hadde ikke instituttet et eneste EU-prosjekt. Når hun nå rydder kontoret, er tallet ti.

  • SeeRRI 2021 - illustrasjon

    EU-prosjektet SeeRRI, som er ledet av Nordlandsforskning, avsluttes med stil i Barcelona.

  • Deltakere i full sving på innspillsmøtet. Foto: Nhien Nguyen

    15. september møttes en rekke aktører for å avgjøre nordlandskystens – og dermed landsdelens – fremtid.

