News archive

  • Gruve på Svalbard. Foto: Marta Anna Løvberg

    Within a few years, Svalbard went from being a society based on coal production to giving tourism, education and research the main roles. Can the island in the north inspire other communities to phase out carbon-intensive power production?

  • Seniorforsker Nhien Nguyen. Foto: Mario Magaña

    When Nhien Nguyen joined Nordland Research Institute in 2017, the institute did not have a single EU project. When she now cleans her desk, the number is ten.

  • Træna islands, Norway, Photo by: Terje Rakke (Nordic Life)

    Since the EmpowerUs project started in October 2022, Norwegian partners Nordland Research Institute (Norway Academic Lead) and Kunnskapsparken Helgeland (Norway Local Host) have been busy carrying out fieldwork and engaging with local stakeholders in Træna, the Norwegian Transition Coastal Lab (TCL).

  • Foto: iStock / molchanovdmitry

    The Norwegian outfield is a place where men hunt and fish. But it is also a place where women climb and kite. Now researchers are about to broaden the definition of the outfield.

  • Administrerende direktør Iselin Marstrander kan gå julen i møte med visshet om et godt nytt prosjektår skal komme. Foto: Thoralf Fagertun

    When the Research Council made their project funding public, Nordland Research Institute (NRI) was named among the recipients no less than five times. – Excellent news, says managing director Iselin Marstrander.

  • Jomfruland er eit av verneområda som er med i forsøksordninga. Foto: Gunn Elin Fedreheim

    Administration of national parks and protected areas is strenghtened when landowners and others with user interest are included in the decision making.